Blech (Inventing Disease and Pushing Pills
) presents research from the U.S. and Europe and opinions of medical professionals pointing to exercise as the key to health and longevity and a powerful way to significantly cut health-care costs. Now an accepted part of cardiac care, exercise, says Blech, remains untapped to prevent, treat and even heal type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, psychiatric disorders, chronic pain, cognitive impairment and learning disabilities. Biologically, Blech notes, humans are hunter/gatherers and were made to be continuously active. As societies gain convenience through technology, people become more sedentary and vulnerable to serious physical and mental decline typically attributed to aging. In fact, Blech states, this decline is like the wasting that begins in patients confined to bed for just a few days. Looking to the future, he includes preliminary findings on the positive impact exercise has on chronic fatigue patients and children with AD/HD. While he offers some easy ways to be more active, Blech's most frequently voiced news is good: a half hour of moderate, daily walking can make a big difference. (Mar.)