Choppy Socky Blues
Ed Briant, . . Flux, $9.95 (259pp) ISBN 978-0-7387-1897-2
In picture book author/illustrator Briant's first novel, 14-year-old Jason wants to be nothing like his father, a stunt man who runs a karate dojo and left his family two years ago. But then Jason meets Tinga, who's training for her blue belt, and Jason immediately says he is, too, which means asking his father for help getting back into shape. This story line loses urgency as the book progresses, but action scenes in the dojo are well drawn. Things are further complicated when it turns out that Tinga is dating Jason's former friend Malcolm. An uncomfortable scene in the shower leads Jason to think that Malcolm might be gay, but Jason still feels awful when Tinga dumps Malcolm to be with him. He breaks up with her, and his attempt to win her back leads to a confrontation with Malcolm. Although secondary characters like Tinga and Malcolm are less developed, Jason's insecurities, resentment toward (and gradual peacemaking with) his father, and obsession with girls are believably rendered—he's the kind of awkward hero readers will be glad to see come into his own. Ages 12–up.
Reviewed on: 03/22/2010
Genre: Children's