A SPIDER BOUGHT A BICYCLE: And Other Poems for Young Children
Michael Rosen
A multitude of poems explore universal experiences such as Eleanor Farjeon's "Waking Up" as well as an urban child's experience on "The Underground Train" by Jayne Continue reading »
The candor and personal nature of Rosen's heartrending exploration of sadness, rooted in the death of his son Eddie, are evident from the opening page. The caption under a sunny, smiling Continue reading »
As in his We're Going on a Bear Hunt
, Rosen winningly invites audience participation, and yet the beguiling watercolors share at least equal credit for Continue reading »
Bear, whose tousled, golden fur mimics the dunes, bounds along the beach in this companion to Bear's Day Out
. “I'm a bear on a beach./ On a Continue reading »
For this story of a lost teddy bear's journey home by former British Children's laureate Rosen, Stewart (Addis Berner Bear Forgets
) provides subdued Continue reading »
A windup soldier shows the other toys of the house who's boss in this light tale about dealing with bullies. Blowhard toy soldier A-One needs fellow playthings—Sally the doll, Maddy the Continue reading »
A father and his four children--a toddler, a preschool boy and two older girls--go on the traditional bear hunt based on the old camp chant: ``We're going to catch a big one. / What a beautiful day! Continue reading »
Walking the Bridge of Your Nose: Wordplay Poems Rhymes
Michael Rosen
A brightly illustrated and economically priced compendium of tongue-twisters, riddles, parodies and puns, this anthology contains enough silliness to last through dozens of readings. ``Be prepared,'' Continue reading »
Walking the Bridge of Your Nose: Wordplay Poems Rhymes
Michael Rosen
This anthology of light-hearted poems, riddles, tongue-twisters, parodies and puns contains enough silliness to last through dozens of readings, said PW. Ages 5-up. Continue reading »
In this comical tale, it's the canine narrator who calls his pet human ""Rover."" Rover and her doting parents (whom the dog names Rex and Cindy) have many unusual customs. At the park, for instance, Continue reading »
Amanda and her family have always celebrated Thanksgiving with her grandmother, Bubbe: ""Even more than Chanukah or Passover... Thanksgiving had always been Bubbe's special holiday."" Bubbe begins Continue reading »
A follow-up to Rover, Howler by Michael Rosen, illus. by Neal Layton, continues the narrating canine's humorous adventures with his pet human, Rover, and her family as Rover's mother becomes Continue reading »
``I'm talking about noses / wet noses / warty noses / sleepy noses / when someone dozes,'' writes Rosen ( We're Going on a Bear Hunt ) in the opening lines of this spirited celebration of children's Continue reading »
How Giraffe Got Such a Long Neck: 2..and Why Rhino Is So Grumpy
Michael Rosen
This gorgeous book may not lead to a movie deal for its author, but might well bring a great wallpaper deal for its illustrator. Clementson's vibrantly hued, densely patterned cut-paper compositions Continue reading »
Rosen and Graham (Rose Meets Mr. Wintergarten) use a light touch to deliver an important lesson. In the shadows of an apartment complex, redheaded George sits in his cardboard-box house and won't let Continue reading »
George guards his cardboard box house against all his friends; he won't let them in no matter how cleverly they try to invite themselves--until he has to go to the bathroom. ""Every word of the Continue reading »
Former British Children’s Laureate Rosen skewers comic-book conventions in this story-within-a-story. With siblings Emily and Elmer cozied up on either side of him, Dad reads them the very book Continue reading »
What Is Poetry? The Essential Guide to Reading & Writing Poems
Michael Rosen
In seven chapters, lightly illustrated with Calder’s black-line vignettes, Rosen, a former U.K. children’s laureate, begins an engaging, question-peppered dialogue, asking, “What can poetry do?” and Continue reading »
For more than 35 years, Londoner Michael Rosen has been writing books for children, primarily poetry anthologies and picture books. Tiny Fly Guy, the latest offering from the Continue reading »
Some of Us: A Story of Citizenship and the United States
Rajani Larocca
“Some of us are born American. Some choose,” begins Newbery Honoree LaRocca in this elegantly limned work about U.S. citizenship. An initial section examines how and why people Continue reading »
“Flamboyant and somewhat rambunctious” gay teen Brian, who lives in Canon, W.Va., runs a secret podcast called Shampoo Unicorn in Lovett’s superb debut about queer pride and Continue reading »
After coming out as trans-gender at her Buffalo high school, Grace Woodhouse struggled to manage the loss of her girlfriend, her tight-knit social circle, and her place on her Continue reading »
As the only girl in her wealthy family, 11-year-old Zarina feels as if she leads a charmed life in 1947 Poona, India—until Zarina and her Muslim family flee from India to the Continue reading »