Do This. Get Rich! 12 Things You Can Do Now to Gain Financial Freedom
Jim Britt, . . Square One, $25.95 (224pp) ISBN 978-0-7570-0241-0
Britt, a performance trainer who grew up "chopping cotton" in Oklahoma, sells his advice with all the passion of a free-enterprise preacher presiding over a sales force revival meeting in this financial self-help book promising riches to the masses. He delivers his messages, which mainly involve developing a success-oriented mindset and taking responsibility for your future, as a motivational rant clothed as a business book. Britt's references to unattributed surveys, lack of specificity to support assertions (e.g., "formal education is not the one vehicle that will take you where you want to go financially") , vague explanation of how he built his wealth and what happened to the 24,000 bottles of soap in his garage that launched his sales career—are unsettling. While Britt (2006's
Reviewed on: 03/05/2007
Genre: Nonfiction