It's in Her Kiss
Elizabeth Dean. Kensington Publishing Corporation, $22 (304pp) ISBN 978-0-7582-0089-1
It's in Her Kiss, by Elizabeth Dean, features dishy goings-on at a lesbian TV network run by Debbe Lee, a woman who makes Satan look like Mr. Rogers. C.J. Jansen, her former lover and L-TV's head writer, tries to shelter the supporting cast from a hurricane of abuse, without much success. Debbe finally crosses the line when she grabs all the credit for L-TV's success; C.J. and the girls concoct an elaborate scheme to get revenge. There's no shortage of action affairs, arguments, blackmail and a baby (courtesy of Maria, C.J.'s new girlfriend) though several chatty, throwaway scenes slow the pace of this goofy girls' guilty pleasure. Mystery
Reviewed on: 07/01/2002
Genre: Fiction