Are You My Mommy?
Mary Murphy. Candlewick, $6.99 (16p) ISBN 978-0-7636-7372-7
An eager-eyed tan puppy asks six farm animals the question of the title before eventually finding its mother on the final page. The animals answer the puppy while introducing their actual children, who are hidden behind small flaps. %E2%80%9CNo, I%E2%80%99m a cow. And... here%E2%80%99s my calf,%E2%80%9D responds a white cow with purple splotches, her calf tucked behind a round hay bale. Murphy%E2%80%99s soft watercolor-and-ink illustrations create a comforting rural setting%E2%80%94while none of these animals are the puppy%E2%80%99s mother, it%E2%80%99s clear that the dog is no danger in the meantime. Up to age 3. (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 04/13/2015
Genre: Children's