Bill Brooks, . . Forge, $22.95 (208pp) ISBN 978-0-7653-0799-6
True crime meets true love in this lyrical retelling of the Bonnie and Clyde legend. Pretty Bonnie Parker is slinging hash in a Texas cafe, waiting for her husband to finish his prison term, when bad boy Clyde Barrow drives into town. Soon enough, it's a life of crime for both of them. Anyone who's seen Arthur Penn's classic movie knows the story, and Brooks does little myth-busting here. Bonnie and Clyde spend two years ripping up the Southwest, hitting gas stations, mom-and-pop grocery stores and a few banks, and killing lawmen and bystanders along the way. Bonnie, who wasn't just a gangster's girlfriend but a for-real, pistol-packing mamma, was particularly newsworthy to an entertainment-starved audience, and the dangerous duo's celebrity status plays a big role in their tale. Brooks (
Reviewed on: 12/22/2003
Genre: Fiction
Paperback - 208 pages - 978-0-7653-1188-7