cover image In Milton Lumky Territory

In Milton Lumky Territory

Philip K. Dick, . . Tor, $25.95 (221pp) ISBN 978-0-7653-1695-0

Adventurous publishers dig deep for forgotten texts.

In Milton Lumky Territory Philip K. Dick . Tor , $25.95 (224p) ISBN 978-0-7653-1695-0

First published in 1985 by a small press, this “realist” (read: not sci-fi) early novel from dystopian master Dick (1928–1982) bears the following introductory author’s note: “This is actually a very funny book, and a good one, too, in that the funny things that happen happen to real people who come alive. The ending is a happy one. What more can an author say? What more can he give?” To which one answers “indeed,” and quickly turns to the adventures of protagonist Bruce Stevens as he drives into the Pacific Northwest—the sales territory of a Willy Lomanesque man named Milton Lumky—looking for wholesale typewriters. (May)
