Celebrity All-Occasion Cooking: Recipes for Every Occasion
. Stoddart, $14.95 (256pp) ISBN 978-0-7737-5033-3
The Princess of Wales graciously offers a royal fudge, Roger Moore donates cream-cheese potatoes and Richard Attenborough provides scampi Provencale. These are some of this book's more than 300 recipes from celebrities, the cumulative quality of which proves to be what one might expect from any multi-source compilation: some dishes are good, some fair and some merely passable. The Great Gretzky's recipe for ""Chili a la Wayne'' may not rival his passing shots for brilliance of taste, but it certainly scores for ease of preparation. The recipes range from appetizers and soups to entrees, vegetables, desserts and special lunches and dinners. (March)
Reviewed on: 01/01/1985
Genre: Nonfiction