cover image Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality, and Justice

Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality, and Justice

Joseph Farah. WND Books, $19.99 (208pp) ISBN 978-0-7852-6392-0

It's time for a revolution, declares Farah, co-author of This Land is Our Land: How to End the War on Private Property and founder of (""an independent newssite committed to...reporting on government waste, fraud and abuse""). In this fiery volume, he calls on Americans to embrace God, get government out of their lives and clean up the moral wasteland he feels the country has become. Beginning and ending with a firm belief in the Constitution and the power of religious faith, Farah stakes out a rigidly populist view of reform as he rails against conservatives and libertarians alike (while reserving special venom for liberals) for undermining the country's strength, its moral core and the""revolutionary creed of freedom and responsibility"" on which it was founded. Indeed, Farah feels that the federal government is""intentionally encouraging and spreading immorality"" and""turning us into slaves."" His proposal for change includes, but is not limited to: abolishing the income tax and the IRS, withdrawing from all international treaties and institutions, repealing all gun laws and ending federal funding for schools, the arts, conservation, housing and agriculture. What's left, you ask? Farah calls for churches and religious institutions to assume a broader role in molding the national character, including actively censoring the entertainment industry and having a direct role in education and family life. There's certainly a choir out there to whom Farah can preach, but most readers will find both his positions and his rhetoric uncomfortably extreme.