cover image Fourth Mega-Market Now Through 2011, The; How Three Earlier Bull Markets...

Fourth Mega-Market Now Through 2011, The; How Three Earlier Bull Markets...

Paul B. Brown, Ralph J. Acampora. Hyperion Books, $24.95 (320pp) ISBN 978-0-7868-6651-9

Best known for his correct 1995 prediction that within three years the market would hit 7000 (rising 60% above the market's level at that time), Acampora believes that investors who understand how the stock market has performed historically will be able to make wiser decisions about their portfolios. To explain his view, Acampora, who is chief technical analyst at Prudential Securities, first discusses the tools he and other analysts use. Followers of value investing, including Warren Buffett, look at a company's management, dividend and P/E ratio. However, that provides only part of the picture, according to Acampora, who says that investors should also consider price, volume and the psychological climate (whether investors are feeling bullish or bearish). He goes on to explain how to read charts to discern the trends related to the price and trading activity on a particular stock. He also evaluates the parallels between the four ""mega-markets"" or bull periods--1877-1891, 1921-1929, 1949-1966 and today's upswing, which, he contends, began in 1995--and explains their dramatic turns in language that makes sense. No doubt, value investors will find flaws in the author's theories. Those looking for a rational perspective on the unpredictable stock market as well as some useful investment tools and tips, however, will find them here. Agent, Brian DeFiore. 100,000 first printing; 20-city author tour; radio satellite tour. (Oct.)