The Third Shift: Managing Hard Choices in Our Careers, Homes, and Lives as Women
Jina Bolton, Michele Bolton. Jossey-Bass, $29.95 (352pp) ISBN 978-0-7879-4854-2
""A first shift at work and a second shift at home can be physically tiring, but the third shift is psychologically relentless."" According to Bolton, the ""third shift"" consists of the self-doubt and anxiety a woman can feel about the way she handles her conflicting obligations. By analyzing the experiences of more than 100 Silicon Valley women, Bolton--founder of the Center to Develop Women Entrepreneurs--aims to help women reclaim their serenity and find a healthy balance in their lives. She begins by summarizing three common conflicts: the ""identity challenge,"" expressing oneself as one wants rather than as others expect; the ""task challenge,"" fulfilling obligations while worrying over what other people think; and, finally, the ""balance challenge,"" spending time on oneself while meeting the demands of others. Though Bolton's conclusions may be obvious, they are still intriguing: some stay-at-home mothers overschedule themselves and their children with activities, perhaps to counter the perception that homemakers have a lot of free time. Throughout the chapters, the author slots the women's comments into ""self-doubt"" and ""self-awareness"" categories; unfortunately, these summaries are too brief. On the other hand, the final chapter, ""Defining Personal Achievement,"" is quite strong because it focuses on identifying and solving problems. Bolton offers some concrete advice, such as teaching children to work as a team to complete household tasks; more of these practical strategies would have made this volume more valuable. Still, it offers an engaging look at the work-family conflicts faced by many professional women today. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 07/03/2000
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 352 pages - 978-0-470-33081-4