cover image National Geographic Family Reference Atlas of the World

National Geographic Family Reference Atlas of the World

National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society. National Geographic Society, $65 (352pp) ISBN 978-0-7922-6930-4

Among purveyors of childlike wonderment and educational advancement, the name National Geographic is one of our most beloved and durable brands. Whether introducing readers to the leaping gazelles of the African veldt or the cosmic nebulae of space, National Geographic-whether in book or magazine form-has always offered glossy, perfect photographs and clean, authoritative captions. With this giant atlas of world geography, National Geographic introduces learners young and old to broad issues of population density, biodiversity, energy consumption and culture. Including more than 450 maps, illustrations and photographs, as well as brief reports on the biggest historical and geological movements of our planet's history, the atlas does what an atlas should do: it gives a big picture of land masses and meteorological patterns, provides an overview of each continents' characteristics, and offers a resource to turn to for science reports, sheer curiosity and even the answers to questions that flummox folks around the dinner table.