cover image The Gospel According to Heretics: Discovering Orthodoxy through Early Christological Conflicts

The Gospel According to Heretics: Discovering Orthodoxy through Early Christological Conflicts

David E. Wilhite. Baker Academic, $22.99 (304p) ISBN 978-0-8010-3976-8

Wilhite (Tertullian the African) digs deep into the schisms of early Christianity in his deep and comprehensive study of early religious leaders and influential church councils. "The point is that disunity and disruption are the heretical calling card," Wilhite writes. His main focus is homoousios, or the substance of the Christ, which is the basis of the The Council of Nicaea. Some of the most interesting chapters consider the Gnostic gospels and offer a comparative study of Islam and Christianity. Wilhite is most comfortable discussing Christology. He clearly delineates the ways miscommunications and misunderstandings factored into how the ecumenical councils resolved disputes of doctrine. Often the smallest decisions of wording in a text caused great offense. This book is ideal for a scholar seeking to study church history, or an educated layperson wanting to know more about church councils, Gnostics, and modern day Muslims. (July)