From Times Square to Timbuktu: The Post-Christian West Meets the Non-Western Church
Wesley Granberg-Michaelson. Eerdmans, $20 trade paper (160p) ISBN 978-0-8028-6968-5
Granberg-Michaelson says the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act, which reformed immigration law in America, has had far-reaching spiritual impact on the world. He examines it as one of several examples of geopolitical events that he argues have unleashed a wave of non-Western migration in which every Christian migrant is a potential missionary. He says modern Western cultures are witnessing a major %E2%80%9Cnon-Western missionary movement in the world . . . as the West becomes post-Christian, non-Western Christianity is coming to the West.%E2%80%9D He reviews statistics on world migration and puts these movements in the context of Christian witness, with implications for worldwide Christianity, unity, and practice. Calling for ethnic unity, he gives examples of successful multi-ethnic churches. Also prescribes action steps for churches to live out the mercy and justice of God that will leads to more multi-ethnic churches. His ecumenism will ultimately include not only diverse denominations but all ethnicities. With 40,000 Christian sects and thousands of them claiming to be the %E2%80%9Ctrue and pure church,%E2%80%9D such religious chauvinism %E2%80%9Cmakes an utter and ludicrous mockery%E2%80%9D of Christian witness. Granberg-Michaelson, former general secretary of the Reformed Church in America and a former official with the World Council of Churches, leaves no doubt that he believes the world is changing radically, backing it with research, church council opinions, personal experiences, and case studies. Churches will either wake up to this reality or be out of touch as the new Non-Western church meets the Post-Christian West. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 07/22/2013
Genre: Religion