How to Kill a Unicorn: How the World’s Hottest Innovation Factory Builds Bold Ideas That Make It to the Market
Mark Payne. Crown Business, $30 (288p) ISBN 978-0-8041-3873-4
As cofounder and president of Farenheit 212, an innovation consultancy, Payne has his finger on the pulse of creative problem solving, but his first book is marred by heavy-handed self-promotion. While his company’s philosophy, team structure, and model for developing high-impact innovative solutions (centered on the concept of “Money & Magic”) is captivating, and its purported success impressive, the intense focus on his own company results in a self-congratulatory marketing piece rather than innovation guide. Statements such as “the concept of Money & Magic—blending commercial and creative capabilities to solve for the needs of the business and the consumer—felt like a very obvious answer as it came into view” detract from informative stories about innovation from those not clients, such as Progressive’s online price comparison tool and the development of the famous Eames chair. Even when describing challenging assignments, such as consulting gigs for the pet food company Nature’s Variety or distillery Tuthilltown Spirits, Payne’s emphasis on Farenheit 212’s process dominates the narrative and undermines what could have been an opportunity to draw readers into the creative world of innovation. (Oct.)
Reviewed on: 07/14/2014
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 189 pages - 978-0-8041-3874-1