A Hunter's Road: A Journey with Gun and Dog Across the American Uplands
Jim Fergus. Henry Holt & Company, $25 (290pp) ISBN 978-0-8050-1619-2
In September 1990 freelance sportswriter Fergus bird-hunted during the opening days of the sage grouse season in Wyoming, blue grouse season in Colorado and chukar season in Idaho. Five months later, this first-time author and his yellow Labrador, Sweetzer, had hunted (and retrieved) 21 species of game birds in 24 states during a 17,000-mile journey recounted here with asides providing recipes for how to cook the various catches. Man and dog tramped in woods and fields, through swamps and deserts; they observed a shoot on a private game ranch and met hunters (and dogs) from all walks of life. Fergus gives a splendid tour of the countryside and a spirited defense of hunting as a sport, sharing his worries about the growth of anti-hunting sentiment and the decline in bird population due to loss of habitat. A fine travel-and-adventure tale, both for hunters and readers who enjoy the outdoors. ( Sept. )
Reviewed on: 06/01/1992
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 312 pages - 978-1-4299-0031-7
Paperback - 312 pages - 978-0-8050-3008-2