PAIN-FREE ARTHRITIS: A 7-Step Program For Feeling Better Again
Harris H. McIlwain, Debra Fulghum Bruce, . . Holt, $15 (320pp) ISBN 978-0-8050-7325-6
With nearly 70 million people in the U.S. afflicted with some type of arthritis, the search for effective treatments has intensified over the past few years. Here, McIlwain, a rheumatologist and founder of the Tampa Medical Group, offers a comprehensive and clear overview of the treatments including exercise, diet, drugs and alternative therapies. According to McIlwain, the first step for most patients is to start an exercise program, whether it be walking or more strenuous activities. Many people suffering from arthritis are overweight, making it difficult for them to exercise. However, the combination of weight loss and exercise often provides immense relief. McIlwain's advice regarding diet is equally sensible—there isn't one cure-all or one food that should be avoided. He advises eating, more frequently, meals composed of more fresh vegetables and foods with low-glycemic levels such as soybeans and lentils. His suggestions to avoid certain trigger foods that may worsen certain symptoms are helpful. The author also discusses alternative treatments such as chiropractic, massage and acupuncture, and offers an excellent box on "Choosing a Practitioner and Therapy." This is a very useful book, particularly for people who have not found relief from a variety of treatments. The writing is clear and the author doesn't "oversell" one treatment over another. The weakest part of the book is the recipe section, which seems to be an afterthought.
Reviewed on: 06/23/2003
Genre: Nonfiction