Sisters of the Shadow
Maxine Harris. University of Oklahoma Press, $29.95 (252pp) ISBN 978-0-8061-2324-0
In her Jungian-based study of today's homeless women, Washington, D.C., clinical psychologist Harris finds that, like her hapless street sisters, every woman harbors in her psyche an unrecognized or denied ``shadow'' of a potential ``victim, exile, rebel or predator.'' Each type of female outcast is illustrated in the individual stories of homeless women, many of whom are not only estranged from society and from their inner selves but are in need of psychiatric treatment. The author suggests that recounting their experiences--both victimization and dreams--is a first therapeutic step in helping them to recover their identities and integrate their psyches preparatory to rejoining the community. Female readers, she stresses, may also benefit from recognizing their kinship with these women. (May)
Reviewed on: 04/29/1991
Genre: Nonfiction