cover image Come Out and Win: Organizing Yourself, Your Community, and Your World

Come Out and Win: Organizing Yourself, Your Community, and Your World

Sue Hyde, . . Beacon, $13 (168pp) ISBN 978-0-8070-7972-0

A civil rights activist and organizer in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community for more than 20 years, Hyde has inspired and trained thousands on how to get involved and make a difference. In this richly detailed and well-organized book, she offers a stirring course in gay activism with step-by-step “how-to” advice. Whether it’s lobbying elected officials, monitoring and responding to the media’s portrayals of LGBT people, organizing a gay-straight alliance or even seeking elected office at the local or state level, Hyde offers advice from her vast experience. She also takes readers through the nascent gay rights movement and introduces some of its architects (the Mattachine Society, Harry Hay and Franklin Kameny, who in 1965 led the first group of gay men and women in public protest at the White House), breaking down the prejudices, persecutions, landmark legislation, setbacks and turning points. Designed to outrage, inspire, encourage and anger readers, and give them the tools to spring into action, this is an indispensable resource for anyone looking for a little guidance and a little push. (June)
