Young at Heart
Rachelle Zukerman. McGraw-Hill Companies, $14.95 (256pp) ISBN 978-0-8092-9766-5
Single women over 50 who are confident that the best is yet to come will be pleased to find a dating book just for them. Written in a upbeat, practical style that is both reassuring and motivating, Young at Heart: The Mature Woman's Guide to Finding and Keeping Romance addresses a full spectrum of issues including sexuality and intimacy at an older age. Psychologist Rachelle Zukerman, an expert on aging and author of a column that appears in several Southern California newspapers, guides women in dealing with the emotions, children and financial arrangements left from previous relationships, firmly convinced that finding lasting love helps people live longer. Agent, Sheree Bykofsky. ( May)
Reviewed on: 01/01/2001
Genre: Nonfiction