The Spirit of Folk Art: The Girard Collection at the Museum of International Folk Art
Henry Glassie. ABRAMS, $60 (276pp) ISBN 978-0-8109-1522-0
Santa Fe's Museum of International Folk Art houses more than 100,000 folk artifacts gathered by architect Alexander Girard during 50 years of global collecting, a passion he pursued well before folk art became widely collected. Indiana University professor of folklore Glassie and Monteaux ( Behind the Mask in Mexico ) here unveil what they consider to be the best of Girard's trove and trace its roots to far-flung artisans still living and working, from Turkish weaver Nezihe Ozkan to Irish flutist Peter Flanagan (``a poor farm laborer, a courtly gentleman, a wildly youthful old man''). The range of material is wide, taking in ``utilitarian pottery in the North Carolina Piedmont,'' 19th-century English samplers, Rajasthani marionettes and Panamanian textiles. The book is as rich in its authoritative and anecdotal text as in its many color photographs, a study and a celebration compressed into a highly readable volume. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 09/01/1989
Genre: Nonfiction
Paperback - 276 pages - 978-0-89013-193-0