Vanishing Amazon
Mirella Ricciardi. ABRAMS, $49.5 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-8109-3915-8
The renowned photographer Ricciardi ( Vanishing Africa ) has produced another masterpiece. Her striking images--many are portraits--of Brazilian Indian of three tribes capture the dignity and pride of her subjects as they go about their daily lives; the photographs of lively, playful children are especially appealing. The Indians are the Kampa of far western Amazonia, at the Peruvian border; the Maruba, also in the west, in the Javari River Valley; and the largest major tribe untouched by civilization, the Yanomami, who inhabit a northern area near the border of Venezuela. The text is brief: Ricciardi gives a vivid account of her strenuous journeys into the rainforest; and Colchester, director of the Forest People's Program of the World Rainforest Movement, provides historical and anthropological background for each tribe. Of the 220 photographs, 150 are in color. (Nov.)
Reviewed on: 09/30/1991
Genre: Nonfiction