SDI, What Could Happen: 8 Possible Star Wars Scenarios
John Rhea. Stackpole Books, $7.95 (136pp) ISBN 978-0-8117-2266-7
This is an imaginative and provocative work on the future consequences of SDIStrategic Defense Initiative or, popularly, ``Star Wars''research. Space World magazine editor Rhea uses his refined sense of military history, knowledge of computers and technology, and an understanding of world politics to speculate on eight ways the SDI system could operate in the next decade, ``ranging from success to global annihilation.'' The author describes the hypothetical scenarios in mock news articles that document events chronologically. ``Conventional War Breaks Out: Fall 1992-August 1995'' illustrates the real possibility that SDI, making nuclear war impossible, will increase the likelihood of conventional fighting. Other situations the book explores are the bargaining away of SDI in arms-control talks and a canceling of SDI in the near future due to budgetary considerations; and a horrifying series of fictitious articles calmly chronicles the nuclear armageddon when SDI fails. Also included are excerpts from last year's factual SDI ``Technical Progress Report'' and a look at Soviet space activities. Neither hawkish nor dovish, Rhea is a strategist who offers a stunning performance of informed military and political hypothesizing that will satisfy those interested in current events for its entertainment value alone. Illustrations not seen by PW. (July)
Reviewed on: 06/03/1988
Genre: Nonfiction