cover image How to Raise Your Parents: A Teen Girl's Survival Guide

How to Raise Your Parents: A Teen Girl's Survival Guide

Sarah O'Leary Burningham, , illus. by Bella Pilar. . Chronicle, $12.99 (144pp) ISBN 978-0-8118-5696-6

Burningham, a publicist for a New York–based publisher, starts out strong in this book of advice to the adolescent. “Know your parent” is her first bit of wisdom, and to this end she offers a witty set of profiles of the Hippie, the Schoolmarm, the Teen Wannabe, etc.; usefully, she identifies the parental types who fly off the handle and the types who are overprotective, then supplies coping strategies. Elsewhere, it's a mixed bag. Some of her counsel is welcome (how to handle a broken curfew or other misdemeanor); some is superfluous (if you hear your parents' footsteps, stop making out); and some just doesn't fly (if parents won't sanction one-on-one dating, girls should invite the boy over: “And after spending some time with them, your boyfriend will probably think your family is cool—just one more reason you're such a catch!”). Much of the best advice, including Burningham's tactics for negotiating in general, presumes a maturity on the part of readers—but if they can internalize her words, they'll be set for life. Ages 13–up. (May)
