cover image 50 Ways You Can Show George the Door in 2004

50 Ways You Can Show George the Door in 2004

Jason Salzman, Ben Cohen. Westview Press, $9.95 (196pp) ISBN 978-0-8133-4282-5

It's time for the handbooks on political involvement leading up to the election, and here's one from Cohen, the amiable co-founder of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and president of online activist group, and co-author Salzman, a nonprorfit communications consultant. Many of the tips are familiar (write an op-ed piece, help with voter registration), some are more creative (Dress in a duck costume and carry a sign""Bush Is Ducking the Debates""), and some are just corny (""Pets for Regime Change""), as is the humor at times. Elsewhere, it can be downright ad hominem (""You may ask yourself, 'Will my pet want to help?'..a few pets may be swayed by Dubya's monkey-like looks...""). But for those who want to take action, there are many useful tips here, complete with step-by-step instructions and information on resources. And the authors run through the numbers from 2000 to convince independents and Greens not to vote for Nader this time around.