Midlife Health: Every Woman's Guide to Feeling Good
Ada P. Kahn. Facts on File, $18.95 (266pp) ISBN 978-0-8160-1345-6
Kahn, a medical writer and health educator, and Holt, a gynecologist, present here the health concerns of 2000 middle-aged women whom they surveyed, as well as synopses of current medical research on menopause, osteoporosis, hormonal and nonhormonal drug therapies, hysterectomies, sexually transmitted diseases and the like. Excepting some gratuitous advice (for hot flashes, keep a window open or turn on a fan; for sexual doldrums, buy a lacy garter belt), readers will appreciate the practical self-help suggestions and the range of medical opinions represented. The importance of calcium in preventing bone deterioration in post-menopausal women, a subject of debate, is incontrovertibly asserted, with a preference, however, for natural sources over pharmaceutical supplements. Throughout, the authors are sanguine, emphasizing the midlife benefits of health education, exercise, proper diet, stress management and an active sex life. (February 1)
Reviewed on: 01/01/1987
Genre: Nonfiction