The Tusk Fairy
Nicola Smee. Bridgewater Books, $14.95 (1pp) ISBN 978-0-8167-3311-8
Lizzie's favorite toy is the knitted elephant her grandmother gave her on the day she was born (``so they were exactly the same age''). Smee ( Noah's Ark ) amplifies her economical text with soft, winsome watercolors that demonstrate the girl's attachment to her elephant. Lizzie and her constant companion play dress-up, take baths, even experience potty-training together. Inevitably, Elephant begins to look the worse for wear. Without overanimating, Smee conveys the other toys' reactions as Lizzie appropriates their clothing to cover the stuffing poking through Elephant's ``hide.'' When a disastrous wagon ride completely unravels Elephant, leaving only the two tusks, Lizzie's grandmother suggests placing the tusks under Lizzie's pillow for the tooth fairy (who turns out to be Grandma and her clicking knitting needles). All ends happily (Lizzie's toys also rejoice at getting their clothing back); however, some may perceive the grandma ex machina solution as a cop-out for not confronting the loss of a child's special treasure. Ages 3-7. (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 04/04/1994
Genre: Children's
Paperback - 32 pages - 978-0-8167-3312-5