Hope for Children in Poverty: Profiles and Possibilities
, . . Judson, $16 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-8170-1505-3
Both "as citizens and as members of the household of faith, we have an obligation to act on behalf of children in poverty," write co-editors Sider and Unruh, president and staff member, respectively, of Evangelicals for Social Action. In this anthology they attempt to provide a wide range of perspectives to help civic and religious leaders do just that, drawing on contributions from leaders of relief organizations like World Vision, Bread for the World and Compassion International. Unfortunately, the collection often comes across as a pastiche of statistics. While some of the articles provide articulate summaries of one or more aspects of the problem and possible solutions, others are simply one-page lists of suggestions or strings of quotes from school principals. Perhaps the most helpful section of the book is the final one, which briefly highlights various programs that are actually making a difference in the lives of poor children. Unruh's helpful introduction to the section, which includes an excellent summary of characteristics common to successful programs, may provide a concrete starting point for those in government, social services and churches looking for solutions to these desperate problems.
Reviewed on: 04/09/2007
Genre: Nonfiction