To Pause at the Threshold (P)
Esther de Waal. Morehouse Publishing, $12 (112pp) ISBN 978-0-8192-1989-3
In this small but sophisticated book on change, self-discovery and spiritual longing, de Waal explores the liminal spaces that exist between one stage of life and another, or between geographic places.""I have become aware of the continual movement of crossing over thresholds into the new, while still of course being part of what is left behind,"" she writes. De Waal drinks from various wells of wisdom: from her own experiences of living on the border between England and Wales, from authors such as Graham Greene and Dylan Thomas, from the rhythms and traditions of the Celtic year. Spiritual borderlands, she concludes, can be frightening places, fraught as they are with the prospect of transformation. But they can also be sites where ideas are exchanged more freely, where we become aware of the constant motion of life in the Spirit. Beautifully written, de Waal's brief meditation will appeal to anyone who is waiting expectantly on the threshold of something new.
Reviewed on: 07/01/2004
Genre: Nonfiction