Big Pictures: A Book of Photographs
Matthew Rolston. Little Brown and Company, $60 (1pp) ISBN 978-0-8212-1832-7
These 71 images from 1985 to 1990 depict celebrities and otherwise beautiful people in glamorous and theatrical poses. Photographer and L.A. native Rolston speaks only through his flashy images while Hollywood director/producer Burton, later shown mugging for the camera, explains Rolston's intent: to stimulate the imagination and provide an escape from the mundane in the grand style of the silver screen. Stars including actor Robert Downey Jr. and singer Cyndi Lauper assume the haughty demeanor of Hollywood legends in duotone photos; grainy, overexposed portraits of actress Jodie Foster feature electric blue and lurid pink hues; a single light source reduces Anjelica Huston's profile to an undulating, dramatic line; paint and patterned light are applied to models' bodies in order to exaggerate or flatten contours. Many of these glitzy photos effectively capture the mystique of stardom, although others seem suited primarily for fleeting appearances in fashion magazines. (Oct.)
Reviewed on: 04/03/1995
Genre: Nonfiction