Your Sorrow Is My Sorrow: Hope and Strength in Times of Suffering
Joyce Rupp. Crossroad Publishing Company, $16.95 (192pp) ISBN 978-0-8245-1566-9
Using the traditional seven sorrows of Mary (prophecy of Simeon, flight into Egypt, Jesus in the Temple, meeting Jesus carrying his cross, standing beneath the cross of Jesus, receiving Jesus' dead body, Jesus being laid in the tomb), Rupp (The Cup of Our Life) asks readers to meet their own sorrows in Mary's journey. For example, when she discusses the flight into Egypt, she notes, ""Sometimes it is better not to run or flee from our `Herods.' Sometimes we need to stay and do battle. We never know what price our freedom will be until we have taken the step away for our `Herod' toward our new land."" Each chapter ends with poems, meditations, guided imagery and questions for personal reflection or group discussion. Rupp's writing challenges the faithful to get beyond their comfortable spirituality and find strength in their times of suffering. Illustrations not seen by PW. (Mar.)
Reviewed on: 03/01/1999
Genre: Religion