The Ultimate Baseball Trivia Book
Richard Vicknoy, Herbert A. Ruth. Jonathan David Publishers, $8.95 (315pp) ISBN 978-0-8246-0311-3
This book contains 1007 questions and answers on baseball (and a few sidelights at the end of each chapter). The categories are statistical (most hits in a World Series; Roger Maris's batting average the year he hit 61 home runs), firsts (first rookie to win a batting crown; first Japanese big leaguer), lasts (last pitcher to leagally throw a spitball), in-betweens (who scored the millionth run), and who-done-its (who converted Babe Ruth from a pitcher to an outfielder; who invented shin guards). Because many questions deal with players from the 1800s and early 20th century, even true fanatics will be challenged. While some queries have little to do with the sport (what Indian lineage does Johnny Bench possess?), this book is enjoyable for the many who desire to be human encyclopedias of baseball. (April)
Reviewed on: 04/01/1986
Genre: Nonfiction