The Effective Weight Manager: A Strategic Weight-Control System and Lifelong Program for Health and Success with Goals and Objectives That Can Be Ac
Fred S. Kummer. Continuum, $0 (124pp) ISBN 978-0-8264-0365-0
With a spare tire around his waist, Kummer decided to apply the basic principle of management to weight control: continuous accountability. Enter the Strategic Weight-Control System, where food is considered an expenditure and weight control a management challenge. Seventy-five would-be Effective Weight Managers, the majority the author's employees, were instructed to record their weights daily, and average and chart the numbers at week's end. ""And this is all you have to do, now or ever, to manage your weight,'' claims Kummer, who doesn't offer a calorie limit or menu plan in the belief that individuals must take themselves in hand and learn how they are specifically affected by food and energy expenditures. This is simplistic, repetitious fare that is easier said, and read, than done. The reader will wonder if Kummer, who disparages other diet-book authors for making ``millions of dollars'' on ``promised cures,'' needs an entire book to make his point. (April)
Reviewed on: 01/01/1986
Genre: Nonfiction