Facing Pain, Finding Hope: A Physician Examines Pain, Faith, and the Healing Stories of Jesus
Daniel Hurley, . . Loyola, $22.95 (209pp) ISBN 978-0-8294-1780-7
A specialist in treating pain, Hurley wrote this book out of efforts to relate his medical practice to the way Jesus healed. He draws parallels between gospel stories and his patients, portrayed in composites to shield their identities. In one such illustration, he pairs the story of "Hank," who was trapped in a prolonged cycle of medical treatment, with the New Testament account of the lame man who waited 38 years for someone to plunge him into the waters of a healing pool. As he expands upon these stories, Hurley adds his own poems, prayers and probing "Questions for Your Health." What makes his book more than a collection of lofty musings is his approach to medicine; he is clearly not a pill-and-procedure doctor, but one who digs deeply to help patients learn how their mental states and lives affect their pain. Although the stories from his practice are compelling, the most touching are those about his brother, Michael, who has cerebral palsy, and Patrick and Julie, friends who died well before their time. Hurley did not intend his book as a how-to for pain management, but it will be a valuable companion for those who suffer with chronic pain.
Reviewed on: 07/25/2005
Genre: Nonfiction