Native American Myths and Legends
Colin F. Taylor. Smithmark Publishers, $16.98 (144pp) ISBN 978-0-8317-6290-2
Under the direction of Taylor ( The Native Americans ), nine experts here survey Indian cultures in nine regions of North America. Each essay is organized by topic: origin, all-powerful spirits, heroes and monsters, holy places and sacred rites, revered animals, rituals and ceremonies. Passed down by oral tradition, myths were not simply entertainment--they established rules governing conduct between people and the natural world, serving as a code of behavior and a medium of instruction. The authors provide a wealth of information within a broad framework. We learn, for example, that an important taboo among Arctic peoples forbidding contact between land and sea animals results in the rule against eating seal and caribou the same day. The illustrations depict artifacts, ceremonies, paintings and people. (July)
Reviewed on: 06/30/1997
Genre: Nonfiction