Pursuit: Living Fully in Search of God’s Presence
Scott Chrostek. The House Studio (www.thehousestudio.com), $17.99 (224p) ISBN 978-0-8341-2832-3
Now and then it is helpful for people of faith to get “back to basics.” Chrostek, pastor at Resurrection Downtown, a campus of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kan., reminds Christians about the core tenets of their religion. The author advocates a “missional” life, one focused on the building blocks of faith: God, worship, reading scripture, community, and prayer. It is this type of life, he says, that offers the most meaning and purpose. Concentrating on these rudimentary practices helps believers to minimize the distractions that are part of contemporary life, such as social media and gratuitous entertainment. The author is well acquainted with the Old and New Testaments and draws liberally from their wisdom. His insistence on scriptural grounding may make some skeptical, but he truly believes that scripture provides answers to many of life’s questions and challenges. Those who are newcomers to Christianity or who want to reconnect with their faith will find support here. (Apr. 1)
Reviewed on: 03/11/2013
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 178 pages - 978-0-8341-2993-1