A Drug Called Horse
Terence Waters, Terry Waters. Wolfhound Press (IE), $7.95 (128pp) ISBN 978-0-86327-258-5
The fun of watching Waters's lively imagination at work in thispkaa first novel is all but snuffed out by his stodgy prose style, a naively unrealistic plot and the author's endorsement of vigilantism. When Tom Reid's best stallion is stolen from pk his stable in the Ballyfermot area of Dublin, he learns it is the work of Dermot ``the Cur'' McMurragh, a drug dealer and old acquaintance who holds a grudge against him. Tom develops an outrageous plan to get the better of the Cur, deciding--with the neighborhood's enthusiastic cooperation--to disrupt the Cur's commerce. Mounted on a horse and waiving a cudgel, Tom swoops down on the Cur's dealers, relieving them of their cash and drugs. The idea catches on, and men begin playing Lone Ranger all over the area. When Dublin's drug aristocracy decides to retaliate, the police (who have obligingly stayed out of things) warn Tom of the danger, saying basically, nice of you to help, and now that it's deadly we'll take over. Everyone behaves, nobody gets hurt who shouldn't, and the dealers learn they're not wanted, leaving Tom and the Cur to settle the matter of the stallion. (May)
Reviewed on: 06/02/1997
Genre: Fiction