Articulate Executive
Fernando Bartolome, Bartolome. Harvard Business School Press, $29.95 (264pp) ISBN 978-0-87584-433-6
Seventeen articles published during the past five decades in the Harvard Business Review are gathered here to form a meaningful, albeit uneven, work filled with philosophical ponderings and practical advice. Management professor Fernando Bartolome outlines problems plaguing managers (data overload and intercultural barriers). Former CBS executive and management consultant Chester Burger's advice on ``How to Meet the Press'' (understand the public's viewpoint; speak in personal terms; do not argue with reporters) should be required reading for executives. Also significant are business professor Chris Argyris's thoughts on the pitfalls of conflict avoidance and the late psychology professor Carl R. Rogers and human relations professor F. J. Roethlisberger's article on barriers to communication. Other noteworthy contributors include James M. Jenks and Brian L. P. Zevnik, respectively chair and editor-in-chief of the Alexander Hamilton Institute, on job interviewing; Video Arts head Antony Jay on conducting meetings and former Synectics head George M. Prince on power sharing. This work should capture the attention of managers concerned with communications. (Dec.)
Reviewed on: 01/04/1993
Genre: Nonfiction