Return to the Promised Land: The Story of Our Spiritual Recovery
Grant R. Schnarr. Swedenborg Foundation, $12.95 (213pp) ISBN 978-0-87785-179-0
In his latest book, Schnarr (Unlocking Your Spiritual Potential: A Twelve Step Approach) describes a method of slaking our spiritual thirsts by correlating the spiritual methods followed in 12-step recovery programs and in biblical stories of bondage and liberation. Focusing in particular on the Israelites' escape from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land, Schnarr parallels this people's liberation with his own, and other addicts', spiritual recovery and growth. Each chapter opens with several scriptural passages and a brief quote from 18th-century scientist and theologian Emanuel Swedenborg, and contains exercises designed to lead readers to recognize the tyranny of their own addictions and to move toward spiritual recovery. Schnarr's readings of the Exodus material are lively because he offers these readings through the lenses of his own recovery from alcohol addiction. The combination of personal testimony and biblical interpretation that Schnarr offers in this book will enable those seeking spiritual recovery to move ""from the fury of inner spiritual warfare to lasting spiritual peace."" (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 03/03/1997
Genre: Nonfiction