cover image Microwave Cooking for One

Microwave Cooking for One

Marie T. Smith. Pelican Publishing Company, $22.95 (266pp) ISBN 978-0-88289-456-0

Smith's 300-plus recipes rarely take more than a half hour to prepare, and often less than that. Advanced models of microwaves can now brown, saute and roast, as well as boil and steam, for a range of recipes that experienced cooks will appreciate. Neophytes will be helped by the thorough instructions on such basics as soft-boiling eggs. Smith's practical bent is further evidenced by her tips for using leftover raw ingredientsthere's an entire chapter on preserves, relishes and sauces. Her thoroughness fails though when she presents a long list of kitchen utensils that are identified by brand name rather than general description so that one doesn't know whether conventional pots and pans can be substituted. November