With a Black Platoon in Combat: A Year in Korea
Lyle Rishell. Texas A&M University Press, $29.95 (192pp) ISBN 978-0-89096-526-9
Rishell's skimpy memoir, padded with expositional material about the history of the Korean War, is nonetheless a valuable eyewitness report of the early weeks of the 1950-1953 conflict. As a white lieutenant, he commanded an all-black platoon of the 24th Infantry Regiment in the defense of the Pusan Perimeter and the pursuit of the North Korean Army after Gen. Douglas MacArthur's Inchon landing. Rishell spent several weeks in an Army hospital in Japan recuperating from injuries, but returned to his unit for Operation Ripper, the first U.S. offensive against Chinese Communist forces. Surprisingly, Rishell does not discuss race relations, noting only that his platoon's reputation for unreliability in the presence of the enemy is undeserved: ``They performed well. There was never a moment when they failed me, nor did I give any thought to the fact that they were black.'' Photos. (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 03/29/1993
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 187 pages - 978-0-585-17513-3
Paperback - 194 pages - 978-1-60344-740-9