Conquering Debt God's Way
Bruce Ammons. Hillcrest Publishing, $12.95 (151pp) ISBN 978-0-89112-491-7
While this Christian money guide contains solid financial advice, it offers little that hasn't been covered before--and better--by the likes of Mary Hunt and Larry Burkett. In fact, Ammons's ""Snowball"" payoff plan is close to Hunt's ""Rapid Debt-Repayment Plan."" Both authors turn conventional wisdom on its head by telling readers not to simply pay off their highest-interest debt first, but to free up cash flow by paying one debt quickly and then apply that money to another debt's monthly payment. Like Burkett and many other Christian experts, Ammons holds to a very strict view of tithing, and demands that readers begin to tithe from their gross income before they begin to think about conquering their debt. The book's tone is more aggressive than other Christian guides, exhorting readers to think of debt elimination as a ""war,"" with its accompanying sacrifices. Exclamation points, italics and parenthetical intensifiers so abound in the text that by the book's end, even the most committed reader will feel rhetorically exhausted.
Reviewed on: 12/01/2003
Genre: Religion