Maine Woods Woolies: 30 Quick-To-Knit Sweaters for Children
Helene Rush. Down East Books, $9.95 (88pp) ISBN 978-0-89272-222-8
A crafts teacher, Rush has created handknits featured in national magazines. Keeping the subtitle's promise, she gives precise instructions on making small wonders in no time. Color photos show boys and girls from six months through 12 years wearing the stylish garments suggested for readers to adapt. There are cardigans, pullovers, vests among the sweaters; also a girl's coat and a baby bunting. Charts, diagrams and miniature drawings of each finished project illustrate the detailed directions. Rush includes traditional Aran Fishermen and Fair Isle designs, motifs with a Down East flavor and such kids' favorites as pandas, rabbits, puffins, etc. Some are embellished by embroidery or crochet or special knit stitches. All are very attractive and more than likely to ensure a warm welcome for this guide. (May)
Reviewed on: 04/01/1986
Genre: Nonfiction