No More Headaches, No More Migraines: A Proven Approach to Preventing Headaches and Migraines
Zuzana Bic, Frances Bic, L. Francis Bic. Avery Publishing Group, $11.95 (134pp) ISBN 978-0-89529-924-6
This husband-and-wife team (Zuzana, a California-based doctor; Francis, a professor at UC-Irvine) believe that all headaches, even migraines, can be prevented or diminished in frequency and severity by changes in lifestyle. The authors outline the different types of headaches, as well as the underlying diseases of which headaches are often symptoms, and the physiological processes that occur during a headache. Based on Zuzana's studies at Loma Linda University's School of Public Health in California, the authors contend that high levels of fat or sugar in the blood, as well as physical inactivity and stress, create a biochemical imbalance that triggers headaches. Rather than focusing on removing headache triggers, the Bics emphasize the positive in their headache prevention program: eat a diet low in fat and sugar, with an emphasis on natural foods; exercise regularly; and manage your stress. With the use of charts the authors condense their argument to its basics, showing how diet, stress and a sedentary lifestyle cause biochemical changes. Simply written, the book is a useful introduction to how headaches work and how they might be managed. Their program, however, may seem too simplified and too general for longtime headache sufferers. (Dec.)
Reviewed on: 05/31/1999
Genre: Nonfiction