cover image The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy

The Most Human: Reconciling with My Father, Leonard Nimoy

Adam Nimoy. Chicago Review, $30 (288p) ISBN 978-0-915864-73-7

Attorney Nimoy (My Incredibly Wonderful, Miserable Life) holds nothing back in this raw look at his relationship with his father, Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy (1931–2015). As a child, Adam struggled to connect with his increasingly famous father, whose emotional distance and alcoholism bred deep resentment in Adam. In 2006, after their relationship had essentially dissolved, Leonard wrote Adam an email lamenting that they “never had a relationship that was meaningful and satisfying,” then followed it up with a six-page letter listing his grievances with Adam. After the shock of the letter wore off, Adam reached out, on the advice of a friend, and admitted to many of his father’s accusations, including that he held grudges and could be abrasive. That broke the ice between them, leading Leonard to invite Adam to a Shabbat dinner, which they soon made a tradition. From there, Adam writes of the projects they collaborated on (including documentaries about Star Trek and Leonard’s Boston childhood), the meals they shared in the last nine years of Leonard’s life, and the personal struggles they bonded over; both were divorced, both dealt with substance abuse. Adam’s candor about his own shortcomings lends warmth and self-awareness to the account. Even non-Trekkies will be moved. (June)