I Can Sign My ABCs
Susan Chaplin. Gallaudet University Press, $12.5 (52pp) ISBN 978-0-930323-19-6
Each spread in this full-color book displays a letter of the alphabet and then an object that begins with that letter: ""A'' is for apple, ``S'' is for shoes. But there's a twist. The illustrations show the handshapes for both letter and object in American Sign Language; readers can go through two alphabets at once. It's a direct approach to teaching a subject about which children are often fascinatedthe language of most of the hearing-impaired population. The pictures are cartoony but practical; it's easy to understand what fingers and motions are involved in the sign. (3-6)
Reviewed on: 01/01/1987
Genre: Children's
Open Ebook - 1 pages - 978-0-585-10324-2