Give My Heart Ease
Grace Andreacchi. Permanent Press (NY), $18.95 (224pp) ISBN 978-0-932966-90-2
This awkwardly written first novel explores the war between the sexes, heightened by vivid scenes of domestic violence. Justine, a young American ballet dancer, leaves her touring company and decamps to Oxford to be near Roy, her former philosopher professor. She is a sex junkie, turned on by Roy's sadistic violence. When Justine finds she is pregnant, they marry, Addie, their son, becomes the pivotal focus of their relationship. After Roy takes a position at Harvard, they move back to the States, but by then their marriage has further deteriorated. On vacation in the Caribbean, Justine falls in love with Moses, a simple local man for whom she abandons her family. Later, Justine, again pregnant, returns to Roy--whose eyes are filled with ``passionate tenderness'' at her homecoming, sparing the reader from a continuation of their emotionally charged saga. (Sept.)
Reviewed on: 09/01/1989
Genre: Fiction
Open Ebook - 224 pages - 978-1-5040-1228-7