There's Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You: An Anthology about Lesbians and Gay Men Coming Out to Their Children
. Naiad Press, $9.95 (288pp) ISBN 978-0-941483-44-5
MacPike, an English professor at California State University, tackles the perplexing problems lesbians and gays face in coming out to their children. The first-person accounts she collects bypass typical psychotherapy parlance and intellectual analyses, cutting directly to the art of speaking--and listening--to one's children. The stories, bittersweet, poignant or downright sad, provide a window on the remarkable diversity in the lesbian and gay community. In a preface, MacPike's daughter, Gwynn Sawyer Ostrom, offers her reaction to discovering that her mother is a lesbian. Ostrom's initial fear that she might be expected to become a lesbian and her insecurity about her mother's lover are echoed in the reactions of children in other stories. A few, however, responded nonchalantly; for example, when Stephen Brammeier made his announcement, his boys answered with hugs and ``I love yous''--and a request: ``Could we please turn the TV back on?'' Lesbian and gay parents will find comfort in these pages. (Dec.)
Reviewed on: 11/28/1989
Genre: Nonfiction