The Suited Monk: A Guide to Life Purpose and Happiness
Raf Adams. Wow! Books, $19.95 paper (196p) ISBN 978-0-9570553-3-9
According to life coach Adams, we can all possess an outward "suit," while maintaining a spiritual integration that is in tune with our inner "monk." In this self-help title, the author offers a path toward a more meaningful life, incorporating personal experience into lessons to teach readers how to turn "unhappiness into happiness and negative emotions into positive emotions." Adams offers advice on "how to find your true purpose and give you an understanding of how the journey of life works." His guide is replete with graphs and visual aids meant to differentiate his approach and explain the personal journey each person must take toward enlightenment. However, much Adams's advice will sound familiar to readers, e.g., how listening to an inner voice will free people from external constraints, allowing them to "live each moment with total bliss, flow, and joy." Adams is not the first person to champion the go-with-the-flow-and-let-your-intuition-guide-your-life plan, and the spiritual masters he quotes throughout have better expressed the essence and experience of spiritual awakening than he does.
Reviewed on: 04/09/2012
Genre: Nonfiction